Blue Moon Estate Sales

Blue Moon Estate Sales


Service Miscellaneous

About Us

Blue Moon Estate Sales has earned its nationally recognized status by providing unparalleled service to the clients we help and an exceptional level of organization, marketing and on-point pricing strategies for the sales we run. We have held thousands of successful estate sales, and our satisfied clients and customers speak volumes about our service.

We are happy to provide both residential and commercial estate sale services with your needs in mind. Looking to downsize? We’ve got you covered! Need to clear out an entire home or business? We’re here to minimize the stress and maximize your results.

No matter the situation, our experienced teams will get to work with the utmost care, discretion and professionalism. Blue Moon franchisees go through a rigorous training and ethics program before they open for business and go one to instill our core values in their own staff members. The Blue Moon family is made up of trustworthy, friendly, energetic folks ready to do all they can to make each and every sale a success.


Release Date: October 11, 2024