JBS Transition Experts dba VetCTAP
Non-Profit OrganizationCareer DevelopmentCharity OrganizationsMilitaryProfessional Business & Career CoachesRenewing MembersService MiscellaneousService OrganizationsSocial ServicesVeterans Organization
Our workshop series: M/W evenings from 6-9 PM for 4 weeks. See schedules on our website.
Driving Directions:
There are multiple locations; see website for workshop series nearest you
About Us
Veteran Career Transition Assistance Program (VetCTAP) is a free 8-module job skills workshop series provided to all members of the military and spouses who are entering the civilian job market. We focus on senior enlisted and officers. Spouses should be pursuing a professional career.
Offered multiple times per year in different locations. This workshop series is two nights a week for four weeks. Approximately 32 hours of interactive instruction and coaching by Human Resources and business professionals.
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