PMI San Diego Virtual Lunch and Learn Event with Stuart Taylor: ''Deliver Your Project Like a YouTuber!"
PMI San Diego Virtual Lunch and Learn Event with Stuart Taylor: ''Deliver Your Project Like a YouTuber!"
Abstract: During the three years Stuart Taylor has spent creating project management videos on YouTube, he had a surprising revelation. The process of planning, prioritizing, creating, and publishing content has a lot of similarities to project management.
So Stuart started to teach YouTube creators how to apply project management skills to improve their videos. Now he is presenting how project managers can enhance their project approach and career development with skills and traits found among the most successful YouTubers.
11:30 AM - Announcements
11:40 AM - Breakout Networking
11:50 PM - Presentation
12:45 PM - Closing & Wrap up
1:00 PM - Adjourn
PMI San Diego Chapter Members: $5
Non-Members: $7
Attendees will earn 1 PDU.
Please contact Robin Datko, V.P. of Programs (Programs@pmi-sd.org), with any registration-related questions.
Date and Time
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM PDT
Tuesday April 25, 2023
11:30 - 1 pm Pacific Time
Live Online - Zoom Event
PMI San Diego Members: $5
Non-Members: $7
Contact Information
Robin Datko
Send Email