Miss Inez's School of Home Training Launch party
Miss Inez’s School of Home Training
Inez M. Odom
1050 University Avenue, Suite E107 #99
San Diego, CA 92103
619 818-9846
Announcing the launch of “Miss Inez’s School of Home Training.”
San Diego, California - Announcing the launch of “Miss Inez’s School of Home Training,” missinezsschool.com, a whimsical card game designed to spark meaningful reflections and spirited conversation. Let’s bring civility in our conversations back in style!
Join us on Sunday, December 11, 2022 from Noon - 2pm in person at The Kenzi Coffee and Tea Garden at 319 Elm Street, San Diego, CA 92101 for coffee, tea and fellowship. (thekenzi.com) Not only will we play the game, but also the first 20 people who sign in on our clipboard “in real life,” at the location, receive their first coffee or tea “on the house.” Future live events will be hosted to encourage people who would like to “play the game” to meet and participate. Having a great conversation is the best way to win at both “the game” and in life.
From our earliest human interactions, gathering around the fire, we told one another stories. We talked to one another. We listened to one another. We learned from one another. This is the game that will bring back the art of conversation and a return to civility that provides the blueprint for how we cultivate and resurrect warmth, thoughtfulness, kindness, joy, laughter and fun in our human interactions. After a successful kickstarter campaign, the game is now available for purchase at missinezsschool.com.
“Miss Inez’s School of Home Training” provides the whimsical blueprint for how we cultivate and resurrect warmth, thoughtfulness, kindness, joy, laughter and fun in our human interactions. Some of our best human moments center around gathering together, breaking bread, being in fellowship and playing games with one another. From chess to dominoes to mahjongg to classic board games, “Miss Inez’s School of Home Training” is a card game that brings the fun of gaming to the art of relationship building. A bit of retro card game fun that elevates the spirit, fosters cross generational engagement and allows strangers and family members alike to learn more about one another and themselves in the process.
Visit our website at: missinezsschool.com and follow us on social media. To learn more about Inez Odom, visit inezodom.com.
Date and Time
Sunday Dec 11, 2022
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM PST
Coffee, tea and pastry shop. Come and play the game. No purchase required.
Contact Information
Lauren Mackinnon - Inez Odom
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