Escondido Women's Networking Luncheon and Speaker on How to Quantum Leap Your Success in 2023!
Join us in Escondido for our Monthly Women's Luncheon for Neworking and Learning.
This month's speaker title: How to Quantum Leap Your Success in 2023!
Your Business will Never Outperform Your Mindset. Learn how to Align Your Mindset with Your Business Goals.
Have you ever wondered why you might be falling short of your goals at times? Learn how to use neuroscience to flip on your success switch and step into your fullest potential, no matter what the circumstances.
Walk into 2023 with an upgraded mindset that supports your goals!
What you will learn:
- How your mind works and what that means for achieving your goals
- Common limiting beliefs that hold most entrepreneurs back
- Law of Advancement
- Top 3 neuroscience-backed strategies to creating the exact results you want in your business and your personal life
· You want to understand what has kept you from achieving your goals in the past
· You want to learn how to ?????????? ?????????????????????????????? ?????? ???????? ??????????????????
· You want to ?????????????????????? ???????? ?????????????? and reach a new level of success.
Date and Time
Wednesday Jul 5, 2023
12:00 PM - 2:15 PM PDT
July 5th, 2023, 12 -2:15 pm
Cocina Del Charro Escondido
890 W. Valley Parkway
$49 for eWomenNework members
$59 for guests
Contact Information
Jenny Harkleroad
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