“MiraCosta Nights” is an exciting collaboration with the new Frontwave Arena, home to the San Diego Clippers (basketball) and the San Diego Sockers (soccer). These events will be celebrated with exclusive discounted tickets, one-of-a-kind fan experiences, and co-branded swag. Attendees are encouraged to show their MiraCosta College Spartan pride, connect with the community, and enjoy an unforgettable night of sports and school spirit! Join us on Wednesday, March 5, at 7:35 p.m. when the SD Sockers compete against the Empire Strykers and receive a co-branded rally towel for the first 200 ticket buyers, or watch the SD Clippers vs. Mexico City Capitanes on Friday, March 14, at 7 p.m.where the first 100 ticket buyers will receive a limited-edition co-branded hat. Also included in the "MiraCosta Nights" experience, join the Pre-Game Parade of Champions and High-Five Line, where you can walk the field and high-five SD Sockers players before the game or get up close with SD Clippers players before tip-off. As a bonus, the first 25 ticket buyers for either game will be entered into a Frontwave Arena-sponsored giveaway featuring free tickets to future games, merchandise, and more. Questions? Contact France Magtira-Cruz at fcruz@miracosta.edu or call 760.795.6857.
Wednesday Mar 5, 2025 Friday Mar 14, 2025
MiraCosta College/ France Cruz
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